My Ellevate is a minimally invasive rejuvenation procedure to enhance the contour of the lower face, neck, and jawline.
This procedure addresses visible neck bands and drooping glands to lift and support the shape of the neck contours underneath the skin. My Ellevate enhances the neck and highlights the back of the jaw line, creating a sculpted and refreshed look.
There are no large incisions or skin-removal involved, allowing this procedure to be performed in-office with only the use of topical and local anesthesia.
Minimally Invasive Platismaplasty

What does MyEllevate treat?
This procedure addresses visible bands and drooping glands in the neck to lift and support the shape of the neck contours underneath the skin. My Ellevate enhances the neck and highlights the back of the jaw line, creating a sculpted and refreshed look.
How long does the procedure take?
Including prep-time and the full procedure, My Ellevate is performed in approximately an hour and a half in our Pond Hill office. When combined with FaceTite the procedure time increases to approximately 2 hours.
How long is the recovery process?
One of our favorite things about this procedure is the LACK of downtime for patients. If performed on a Friday afternoon most patients can expect to be back at work on Monday morning.
How long can I expect swelling, bruising or discomfort after the procedure?
Expect some mild discomfort for appoximately 12-24 hours following the procedure as the initial swelling subsides.
In order to numb the areas for the procedure, tumescent anesthesia is injected throughout the neck and chin. This anesthesia uses a large volume of saline that slowly reabsorbs into the body in the hours after the procedure has been completed. Once the tumescent anesthesia has reabsorbed you can expect minimal swelling around the jawline and neck for a few days.
The tiny incision points along the base of the jaw must be kept extremely clean for 72-hours following the procedure to ensure no unwanted bacteria enters those spaces. As such, we ask all patients to avoid the use of makeup during that time.
Bruising is minimal, if any.
Commonly Combined Procedures with MyEllevate:
RF Microneedling
Evoke Face + Evoke Chin